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Instructions on how to read the Special Digital Edition PDF on your device.

 Download the PDF to your computer!!!

This is very important. Even if you don’t plan on reading it on your home computer, you’ll want to download a version there for safe-keeping. The download link you will receive is good for 6 downloads or 72 hours, whichever comes first, so you’ll want to make sure you have it somewhere safe where you can hold onto it. Save it to your computer hard drive so that you’ll know where it is the next time you want to access it.

iPhone/iPad Owners:

You have two options. Upload the file via email or iTunes.

Email: PDF Documents are readable using the iBooks or free Kindle app.

If you’re looking at the confirmation email in Safari, click on the download link and you should be prompted to view it in either iBooks or another app. Select iBooks to open the attachment and your copy of the Special Digital Edition PDF will open for reading. This will also save the book to your iBooks PDF shelf which will sync with your iTunes Book library. The same procedure works if the PDF is sent as an attachment to an email.

iTunes: First, download the PDF to your computer. Then open iTunes and look for Books under the Library section of the left panel. Drag your copy of the Special Edition PDF to the iTunes panel, then sync your iOS device.

Android Mobile device:

Download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader (or another PDF viewer) in the Play store. Before opening the file.

You can also upload the PDF to your My Books shelf in Google Play. While you can read the PDF, some of the functionality of a PDF is disabled, so you won’t be able to use the internal hyperlinks to navigate through the book.

  1. Log into Google Account, select
  2. Select ‘Books’ and then select ‘My Books’ in the left column.
  3. Then in the upper right, click ‘Upload files’ and upload the Special Edition PDF version of “Dispatch from Disneyland” you downloaded.
  4. It will upload then create an icon on your bookshelf. Just click on it to start reading.

For the Home Computer or Laptop (both Mac and Windows users)

A free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader is suggested to read the PDF file. You should just be able to double-click on the file to open it once you’ve installed Acrobat Reader.

Kindle Owners:

Newer Kindles can display PDF documents while maintaining the format of the book. Use your ‘Send-to-Kindle’ email address to load the PDF file or connect your Kindle via USB and drag and drop the file to the device.

Owners of earlier Kindles can follow these instructions from Amazon.

Nook owners:

Newer Nooks can read PDF files. Easy instructions for transferring files are here.


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